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North Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to a series of Apprenticeship Programmes which are open to young people interested in becoming fire and rescue employees of the future.

Click on the images below to find out more about our apprenticeship roles.

The fire and rescue service is not just about firefighting – we offer a wide variety of accredited apprenticeship programmes of varying length across a whole range of departments.

These apprentices learn how to play a vital role in the protection of our communities, providing a range of support to include response and protection, delivering community safety programmes,ensuring businesses comply with fire safety regulations, helping to promote fire safety campaigns, as well as ensuring fire and rescue service vehicles are maintained correctly.

Training provides the apprentices with a range of practical and theoretical skills and enables them to play an important role with us, supported by coaching and mentoring as well as regular assessments.

The programmes form an important part of North Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s vision for the future as we plan ahead to prepare for future challenges and seek innovative solutions to enable us to adapt to how communities are changing around us.

Modern apprenticeships form a key part of the national employment strategy and the Service is proud to be able to offer this support to young people.

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