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Members’ Remuneration Scheme

Purpose of Report

To inform Members about the Independent Remuneration Panel’s Report 2020/21 which sets out changes to members remuneration with effect from 1 April 2020.

The Panel has recently published its draft report for 2021/22 and the proposed increases are included in this report for information.

Executive Summary

The annual report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) sets out changes to members remuneration and this report contains information on those changes that affect members of fire and rescue authorities.


Members are asked to:

(i) note the IRPW’s determinations in relation to members’ allowances and remuneration as of 1 April 2020;

(ii) give delegated authority to the Clerk to update the schedule of member remuneration within the Authority’s constitution and to make any necessary amendments to the 2020/21 schedule from time to time during the municipal year, in order to reflect any changes in membership of the Authority, or as a result of any supplementary reports issued by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.

Observations from the Executive Panel/Audit Committee

This report has not previously been considered by Members.


The remit of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) was extended through the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. Under the powers provided by the Measure, the IRP has produced a new set of Regulations which came into effect on 1 April 2012. The Regulations apply to payments made to members and co-opted members of local authorities, national park authorities and Welsh fire and rescue authorities.


For 2020/21 the Panel has decided to make a modest increase in the basic salary for elected members of principal councils, with consequential increases for members of national park and fire and rescue authorities. The Panel also proposes a modest increase for 2021/22.

For fire and rescue authorities the Panel’s determinations are as follows:

2020/21 salary with effect from
1 April 2020

2021/22 proposed salary subject to consultation with effect from 1 April 2021

Basic salary for FRA ordinary member



Senior salary for the
Chair of an FRA



Senior salary for the Deputy Chair of an FRA and the Chair of Audit Committee*



* FRA senior salary can be paid to the deputy chair and up to two chairs of committees where there is significant and sustained responsibility.

In addition to the above:

  • the Panel has determined to include a provision for FRAs to apply for specific or additional senior salaries that do not fall within the current remuneration framework
  • members must not receive more than one FRA senior salary
  • an FRA senior salary is paid inclusive of the FRA basic salary and must reflect significant and sustained responsibility
  • members of a principal council in receipt of a band 1 or band 2 senior salary cannot receive a salary from any FRA to which they have been nominated.

The Chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority is also the Chair of the Executive Panel and can only claim one salary. In order to differentiate between ‘main committee’ and ‘other committee’, it is recommended that it is based on the number of meetings held per year. The Executive Panel meets five times per year and the Audit Committee meets 3 times per year. Therefore, it is recommended that the Authority continues with its previous decision that the Chair of the Audit Committee will be paid under the category “other committee chair”.

Independent Members

The fee paid to independent members of the Standards Committee remains the same for 2020/21 and an increase is proposed for 2021/22. The daily fee is capped at a maximum of 4 full days per year on the following rates:

2020/21 salary with effect from
1 April 2020

2021/22 proposed salary subject to consultation with effect from
1 April 2021

Standards Committee Chair

£256 daily fee

(£128 for half day)

£268 daily fee

(£134 for half day)

Independent Member

£198 daily fee

(£99 for half day)

£210 daily fee

(£105 for half day)

Travel, Subsistence and Care Allowance 

There have been no changes to travel, subsistence and care allowances which are in line with Welsh Government rates. Members are reminded that it was agreed at the NWFRA meeting in June 2018 that subsistence can be claimed when members are away from home for five hours or more, this is in line with the HMRC rules.


£28 per day

Day allowance for meals, including breakfast, where not provided in the overnight charge. Must be away for five hours or more to claim subsistence.


£200 per night


£95 per night


£30 per night

Staying with friends and/or family

Mileage rate remains at 45p per mile.

Members are also reminded that to support current members and to encourage diversity, the IRPW has urged authorities to promote and encourage greater take-up of the reimbursement of costs of care.  All authorities must provide for the reimbursement of necessary costs for the care of dependent children and adults (provided by informal or formal carers) and for personal assistance needs up to a maximum of £403 per month.  Reimbursement must be for the additional costs incurred by members in order for them to carry out their approved duties. Reimbursement shall only be made on production of receipts from the carer.

The IRP issued a supplementary report in May 2020 with regards to the Principles in respect of the Reimbursement of Costs of Care (RoCoC) . The report states:

“The Panel’s core principles have been a fundamental feature of its work since it was established and are contained in each Annual Report. These include:


1.3 The Framework provides for payment to members of relevant authorities who carry a responsibility for serving their communities. The level of payment should not act as a barrier to taking up or continuing in post. There should be no requirement that resources necessary to enable the discharge of duties are funded from the payment. The Framework provides additional payments for those who are given greater levels of responsibility.


1.4 Democracy is strengthened when the membership of relevant authorities adequately reflects the demographic and cultural make-up of the communities such authorities serve. The Panel will always take in to account the contribution its Framework can make in encouraging the participation of those who are significantly under-represented at local authority level. This Supplementary Report builds on these core principles and adds principles which specifically relate to costs of care. The provision of financial support for members with care responsibilities or personal needs is an important factor in improving and sustaining the diversity of membership. It is essential that there is clarity in the availability of and the access to this support.

The purpose is: To enable all members and co-opted members of relevant authorities to carry out their duties effectively.”


Wellbeing Objectives

Considered not relevant

Budget for 2020/21

There will be an increase of £225 on the basic annual salary for Members of FRAs.

There will also be an increase of £225 on the annual salary of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the FRA. These will be backdated to 1 April 2020.


Part 8 and schedules 2 and 3 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 set out the arrangements for the payments of Members of relevant authorities and the functions and responsibilities of the IRPW.

In accordance with the IRPW Regulations and guidance set out in the draft IRPW Annual Report for 2017/18, the Authority must produce and maintain an annual Schedule of Member Remuneration which sets out details of the specific payments that it intends to make to Members and Co-opted Members in accordance with the levels of remuneration and allowances determined by the IRPW in its final Annual or Supplementary Reports.

Any amendments to the Schedule made during the municipal year must be conveyed to the IRPW as soon as practicable after the amendments are made.


Considered not relevant

Equalities/Human Rights/
Welsh Language

It is not considered that there are any issues that need addressing as the recommendations apply equally to all Members regardless of protected characteristics under the Single Equality Act.


Considered not relevant

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