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Minutes 15 March 2021


Minutes of the meeting of North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority held on Monday 15 March 2021 virtually via Zoom. Meeting commenced at 9.30am.



P R Lewis (Chair)

Conwy County Borough Council

R Griffiths

Anglesey County Council

D Rees

Anglesey County Council

R E Parry

Conwy County Borough Council

N Smith

Conwy County Borough Council

A Tansley

Conwy County Borough Council

B Blakeley

Denbighshire County Council

M Ll Davies

Denbighshire County Council

P Evans

Denbighshire County Council

M Bateman

Flintshire County Council

A I Dunbar

Flintshire County Council

V Gay

Flintshire County Council

P Shotton

Flintshire County Council

W O Thomas

Flintshire County Council

D Wisinger

Flintshire County Council

S Glyn

Gwynedd Council

J B Hughes

Gwynedd Council

G G Williams

Gwynedd Council

B Apsley

Wrexham County Borough Council

M Dixon

Wrexham County Borough Council

G Lowe

Wrexham County Borough Council

B Parry-Jones

Wrexham County Borough Council

Also present: 

S A Smith (Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive); C P Everett (Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Authority); K W Finch (Treasurer to the Authority); R Fairhead, H MacArthur and S Millington (Assistant Chief Fire Officers); S Morris (Assistant Chief Officer); H Howard (Head of Finance); T Williams (Corporate Communications Manager); G Williams (Accountant, Treasurer’s Department, Conwy County Borough Council); A Davies (Member Liaison Officer).

1        Apologies



S Lloyd-Williams

Conwy County Borough Council

J W Parry

Gwynedd Council

G A Roberts

Gwynedd Council

2        Declarations of interest

2.1      There were no declarations of interest.


3.1      There was no notice of urgent matters.


4.1      The minutes of the Fire and Rescue Authority meeting held on 9 November were submitted for approval.

4.2      RESOLVED to approve minutes of the meeting as a true and correct record.


5.1      There were no matters arising.


6.1      The Chair informed Members of the meetings he had recently attended including North Wales Regional Leadership Board and the WLGA All-Wales Fire Panel.

6.2      A meeting with the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, the Chief Fire Officer and representatives from other FRAs in Wales had been held in January to discuss the role of the firefighter, Covid-19 and building safety. At a previous meeting focusing on North Wales, the Deputy Minister had been able to confirm that the allocation of grants for 2021/22 was unchanged.  Information about alternative programmes delivered to young people due to COVID-19 had been shared with the Deputy Minister and it was pleasing to note that the Service had delivered 411 virtual presentations to 1,003 children; in addition a 15 minute pre-recorded session was sent to 252 teachers for them to present to their pupils.

6.3      RESOLVED to note the information provided.

7        COVID-19 UPDATE

7.1      The Chief Fire Officer gave Members an update about COVID-19 related activities and the latest situation within the Service.

7.2      It was noted that the Service has been able to provide assistance to partner organisations by providing members of staff to WAST to drive ambulances and to the NHS to support the vaccination programme.

7.3      The Service is taking part in a pilot programme for lateral flow testing and this will involve a combination of workplace and home testing.

7.4      RESOLVED to note the update and note appreciation of the work undertaken by all members of staff during the pandemic.

8        DRAFT CORPORATE PLAN 2021-24

8.1      ACO Morris presented the final draft of the Corporate Plan to Members for approval.

8.2      Members were reminded that at the November 2020 FRA meeting they had agreed that the Improvement and Well-being Plan 2021/22 be developed based on a continuation of the Authority’s 2020/21 improvement and well-being objectives. The objectives were revised and expanded following feedback from the Well-being of Future Generations Commissioner.

8.3      Members congratulated the authors of the plan for the well-presented document and were pleased to note that it recognised the different ways of working that have presented themselves through COVID-19.

8.4      RESOLVED to approve the final draft Corporate Plan 2021-24 for publication on the Authority’s website before the end of March 2021.


9.1      ACFO Fairhead presented the report which advised Members of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the number of Safe and Well Checks (SAWCs) undertaken by the Service in 2020/21, and the possible effect on the Authority’s annual target for delivering SAWCs.

9.2      Members had previously been informed that COVID-19 restrictions had resulted in the Service having to amend its delivery model for SAWCs by carrying out the majority via telephone. Visits had only been made to the homes of people at particularly high risk from fire – all of which were subject to stringent risk assessments in order to safeguard both the householder(s) and the Service’s staff. Consequently, the end of year projection for the number of SAWCs delivered during 2020/21 has indicated a potential shortfall of 40% against the Authority’s annual target of 20,000 checks and this target may also need to be re-visited for the financial year 2021/22.

9.3      In response to a Member’s concern about possibly missing the most vulnerable people in the community, it was confirmed that partner agencies have continued to make referrals and more often than not they are for those people considered to be the most vulnerable.

9.4      Members were appreciative that the Service had been able to adapt its working practices and continue to deliver SAWCs albeit in different ways, taking into account Covid-19 restrictions. Members were also pleased to note that WG community safety grants issued had not been clawed back due to the pandemic.

9.5      RESOLVED to note

(i)       the possible shortfall in the number of Safe and Well Checks delivered in this financial year against the target of 20,000 that was set before the COVID-19 pandemic; and

(ii)      that there is potential, dependent on COVID-19, for the Service to be unable to achieve its annual target of 20,000 Safe and Well Checks in 2021/22.

10       PROVISIONAL OUTTURN 2020/21

10.1    ACFO MacArthur presented the report which detailed the projected outturn position for the 2020/21 financial year as at 31 January 2021; an overview of revenue and capital income and expenditure were also included.

10.2    It was noted that the forecast outturn position was that the Authority will achieve a breakeven position against the revenue budget of £35.9m, including a transfer of £0.1m to earmarked reserves. In light of COVID-19, the capital budget of £4.1m for 2020/21 had been reviewed and expenditure revised to £0.15m; it is anticipated that the deferred capital funding schemes will be completed in 2021/22.

10.3    RESOLVED to

(i)       note the financial positions of both the revenue and capital budgets for 2020/21; and

(ii)      approve the budget realignment request as detailed in the report.

11       BUDGET UPDATE 2021/22

11.1    The report was presented to inform Members of the updated revenue and capital budgets for 2021/22.

11.2    Following the approval of the budget for 2021/22 at the Authority meeting in November 2020, further work had been completed which confirmed the overall budget requirement although the allocation across the budget headings had been revised. It was also noted that the key assumptions, risks and uncertainties identified during the budget planning process had not changed.

11.3    RESOLVED to approve the updated capital (£3.083m) and revenue (£37.074m) budget allocations for the 2021/22 financial year.

12       CAPITAL STRATEGY 2021/22 – 2023/24

12.1    The report presented the Authority’s capital strategy which provided information on how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the provision of a Fire and Rescue Service.

12.2    It was noted that the report had been presented to the Audit Committee on 25 January. Having received a detailed explanation about the strategy including the prudential indicators and the strategy to be followed regarding borrowing and investing the Authority’s funds in the financial year 2021/22, Members of the Audit Committee had recommended that the report be submitted to the Authority for approval.

12.3    RESOLVED to approve the Capital Strategy which incorporates the minimum revenue provision policy, the Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators.

13       PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2021/22

13.1    ACFO MacArthur presented the pay policy statement 2021/22 for approval.

13.2    It was noted that the pay policy statement is an annual requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and the Authority must approve the pay policy statement before the commencement of the financial year to which it relates.

13.3    RESOLVED to

(i)       note the requirements of the Localism Act 2011; and

(ii)      approve the Pay Policy Statement for the 2021/22 financial year.


14.1    The report presented the updated Financial Reserves Strategy to Members.

14.2    The Strategy, to be used as a basis for managing the Authority’s usable reserves, had been updated to reflect current practices and procedures. It was noted that the Audit Committee had considered and recommended the strategy for approval.

14.3    RESOLVED to approve the Financial Reserves Strategy.

15       The Standards Committee’s Annual Report to the Fire and Rescue Authority

15.1    The Deputy Clerk presented the Standards Committee’s annual report to members.

15.2    RESOLVED to note the Standards Committee’s annual report for 2020/21.


16.1    There were no urgent matters.

It was thereafter resolved to move into part II of the meeting and all officers were asked to leave except the Chief Fire Officer, Treasurer and Clerk.



17.1    Members received the recommendation of the Member Remuneration and Appointments Panel on their preferred candidate for the role of Chief Fire Officer following a competitive recruitment and interview process.

17.2    Members approved the recommendation of the Panel to appoint Dawn Docx, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Greater Manchester. The Clerk advised that Dawn Docx had accepted the provisional offer of the role which was subject to (1) the attainment of satisfactory references and (2) the approval of the recommendation of the Panel by the Authority at today’s meeting, prior to the issue of a formal contract.

17.3    Following the passing of the resolution to accept the recommendation by the Authority, Dawn Docx was admitted to the meeting. She formally accepted the offer of the position of Chief Fire Officer and gave a short introductory address.

17.4    RESOLVED that Dawn Docx, the preferred candidate, be appointed to the role of Chief Fire Officer.

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